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Landscape Design Studio 1B

Bachelor Year 2 Semester 1

Full portfolio available at:


Course Introduction

This course is a continuation of Landscape Design Studio 1A, aiming to further students’ fundamental design skills to the next level. While the main design project will engage students in site design, it will also serve to help students to consolidate their learnt skills about creative process, spatial hierarchy, materiality, and conceptual development from previous course. The site design project in this course is also closely related to concurrent course work in ARCH2105 Plants and Planting Design 1, and aims to help students further anchor their planting knowledge in applying to design. This studio welcomes the use of mixed-media with hand and digital graphics and models.

Term Project - Tree Museum

This project welcomes students to have their own interpretations of what “tree museums” can be. The site chosen for the project is Brick Hill on Hong Kong Island, and students are to identify their own 100 sq.m site boundary. After selecting a tree species as design focus, students should explore its artistic, cultural, historical meanings, and transform those form, scale, and proportions into design elements. Abstract concept models and 1:200 design models are then produced to visualize the design, along with supplementary drawings.

Project Gallery
(click to enlarge)

© 2023 by Joyce Wong Nok Lam

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